EVENTOS EPCC - Encontro Internacional de Produção Científica XI EPCC - Encontro Internacional de Produção Científica (29 à 30 de Outubro de 2019)
Use este identificador para citar ou linkar para este item: http://rdu.unicesumar.edu.br/handle/123456789/3676
Tipo: Artigo
Autor(es): CONRADO, Pollyanna Cristina Vincenzi
SAKITA, Karina Mayumi
ARITA, Glaucia Sayuri
VOIDALESKI, Morgana Ferreira
BONFIM-MENDONÇA, Patrícia de Souza
KIOSHIMA, Erika Seki
Abstract: Fusarium spp. have been widely studied because the mycotoxins they produce were a big threat to plants, animal and human health. This genus have species as known human opportunistic pathogens, mainly F. solani species complex (FSSC) and F. oxysporum species complex (FOSC). These species are able to cause a broad spectrum of infections in humans, ranging from skin infections such as keratitis and onychomycosis, up to disseminated infections. Classical methods are important for fungal identification, being the most used in the laboratory routine. However, molecular techniques are necessary for rapid diagnostic. In addition, for Fusarium spp. molecular approaches allow us to distinguish between species complexes. Seven clinical Fusarium isolates from patients with suspected onychomycosis were included to this study. Six samples from toenails (85.8%). By classical techniques, the clinical isolates were identified as Fusarium solani (71.5%) and Fusarium oxysporum (28.5%). The ITS region sequencing also identified these two Fusarium species. However, for two isolates was observed discrepant results between classical and molecular identification. Therefore, development of rapid and safe diagnostic methodology is essential for the correct management of patients. Molecular techniques are promising in this proposal. However, Fusarium species identification is still a major challenge.
Palavras-chave: Fusarium spp
Clinical isolates
DNA sequencing
Idioma: por
País: Brasil
Sigla da Instituição: UNICESUMAR
Tipo de Acesso: Acesso Aberto
URI: http://rdu.unicesumar.edu.br/handle/123456789/3676
Data do documento: 29-Out-2019
Aparece nas coleções:XI EPCC - Encontro Internacional de Produção Científica (29 à 30 de Outubro de 2019)

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